Thursday, April 18, 2019

Power and Politics in Organizational Development Essay

situation and Politics in Organizational Development - Essay usageThe concepts of power and politics are two areas of organizations that can be very difficult to define and understand. However, in order to be successful in organizational life and development these areas must be explored. In the past Organizational Development has been criticized for non taking these factors (French & Bell, 1999, pg. 282). French & Bell (1999) explain that the understanding of Power and Politics is exempt in very early stages in OD. However with recent research we still continue to derive theories and applications for the OD field. Organization development is act upond by and depends upon politics and power, culture and effective instruction execution of the management team. Organization development is complex process which relies on high moral values that outperform both the organization and the individualistic. The shared values that underlie a high-performing organizations strategy and brin g meaning to the individual employees work are reflected in both the decision-making and the goal-setting processes.Power is the potential to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to strike resistance, and to wee-wee people to do things that they would not otherwise do (Pfeffer, 1994, pg. 30). In short, it is a charge to get things done not the only way, but at least a major way, and one that is a great deal used in organizational life. ... 283). Managers use power to accomplish goals all the clip. The use of power is sometimes called organizational politics as managers use power and influence to produce results. Because of its association with politics, power is many another(prenominal) times looked upon with disdain, as a dirty word. At the same time, we admire managers for what they achieve, and while we may not like it, we acknowledge that the ability to willingly wield power is often a prerequisite to managerial success.Following David McClelland, positive f aced of power is characterized by a socialized lease to initiate influence and lead (French and Bell 1999, pg. 282). Power is used frequently when the necessity to accomplish goals requires us to rely on those on whom we depend. It is especially important when they have a different point of view and cannot otherwise be relied on to do what we want them to do (Pfeffer, 1994, pg. 39). The great the degree of difference in point of view, the greater the resistance and conflict and the more important it is to use power, influence, and organizational politics as a way to get things done. If everyone has the same goal and is in assurement about how to achieve it, there is no need to use power. Studies have shown that the more agreement there was on the goal and the means to attain it, the less(prenominal) political activity occurred (Pfeffer, 1994, pg. 39). There is no need to engage in politics or performance power when there are no differences in perspective or when no conflict exit s. The time and energy can, in these situations, be more productively employed toward goal accomplishment. To the extent that organizations can agree on goals and on the means to attain them, organizational politics can be reduced. In the absence of this

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